P S U Crisis Management & Training Group

Frontline Solutions - Education, Confidential Peer-Support, Coaching & Counseling ©

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P S U Crisis Management and

Training Group, Inc.


Providing Confidential Response Services and

Educational Training Solutions For

Law Enforcement Personnel That Can

Change and Save Lives ©


The Research and Facts...We Pay a High Price 


In 2016, P U S Crisis Management and Training Group partnered with the University of Central Florida - College of Medicine and interviewed 1200 Law Enforcement professionals. The research showed that a new police recruit receives between four and eight hours of stress / trauma and ethics training. And seasoned officers only receive in-service stress / trauma and ethics awareness training if they are force to take the class due to a work issues or behavior issues arise.

  • According to the National Law Enforcement Officers' Memorial Fund in Washington, D.C., on average, a Law Enforcement Officer is killed in the line of duty every 54 hours somewhere in America.



In Memory of Mark K. Murphy

E O W  -  September 1, 1988


In Memory of Officer Rusty Claggett

and Officer Brian Swart

E O W - June 26, 1978


In Memory of Raymond L. Hawkins

E O W - February 15, 1972

  •  BLUE HELP - A LEO Suicide Support Organization reported that 249 Law Enforcement Officers took their own life by suicide in 2019.


  • According to research by John Violanti, PhD at the University of Buffalo shows that approximately 30% of working law enforcement are chemically dependent on either alcohol or prescription medications. This can lead to addiction abuse and is caused y many things including stress, and trauma related to the job. Also, officers tend to get injured on the job due to the nature of the work. Officers are prescribed medication and before they know it, they become dependent. Law Enforcement culture plays a big part in the addiction process...With saying such as, "Never trust a cop who doesn't drink."


  •  According to reach by the National Center for Women and Policing, at least 40% Law Enforcement families experience domestic violence in contrast to 10% of families in the general population.



  • In a recent study of 600 police by John Violanti, Ph.D., 65% 0f Law Enforcement Officers surveyed show signs and symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and approximately 25% have been diagnosed with PTSD.

  • According to Allen R. Kates - Author of the Book - COP SHOCK, "PTSD is a form of anxiety triggered by memories of a traumatic event. An event that directly affect you or that  you may have witnessed, It's called a disorder because it disrupts the the normal functioning of our life."


“It’s a proven fact that more officers died from their own hand and health related problems than are killed-in the line-of-duty. It’s time to face reality and provide the training officers need to survive this stressful profession.”

           - - Lt. Joseph Caroll, New York Police Department