It Takes Courage To Work in the Law Enforcement Profession... And It Takes Courage To Ask For Assistance
It's OK NOT to be OK...
Law Enforcement Agencies are beginning to recognize that comprehensive educational training and confidential support services for personnel must start at the Law Enforcement Academy with new recruits and continue throughout an officer's career with annual in-service educational training and confidential Law Enforcement focused outside mental health services including coaching, peer support and counseling. The P S U Crisis Management and Training Group offers P S U Frontline Wellness Solutions through educational programs and services that can significantly reduce the costs and casualties of law enforcement stress, trauma, PTSD and suicide.
P S U Frontline Leadership and Life Coaching
Law Enforcement Agencies must provide comprehensive educational training and confidential resources for personnel starting at the academy and on-going in-service training throughout the officer's career.P S U Frontline Wellness Solutions offers a confidential response with peer-support counseling, life coaching, and solution focused programs at an affordable cost and flexible scheduling, in-person or by phone and FaceTime. P S U Frontline Life Coaching allows you to define your needs and set your goals with a Professional Life Coach who will listen and respond with a non-judgmental attitude. Professional coaching is a proven approach to dealing with issues of life change and goal attainment that affect your work and/or personal life. P S U Frontline Coaches are skilled and experienced in dealing with law enforcement professionals. P S U Frontline Life Coaching can provide a safe environment that facilitates openness and creates life change through a solution focused agenda set by the law enforcement professional and the P S U Frontline Coach.
An educational seminar for Law Enforcement Personnel who have been directly involved and affect by Critical Incident Stress and Traumatic Events. The purpose of this five-day PCIS is to provide individuals who have experienced a critical incident or traumatic event an opportunity, in a confidential setting, to share and process their traumatic experiences with others who have experienced a similar event and to provide educational information and professional and peer support that will assist the individual in developing coping skills to promote normalization and recovery. Created and designed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s in-house Employee’s Assistance Professionals, specifically for law enforcement personnel, PCIS offers a safe and effective method for post incident processing and training. A PCIS takes place at a secluded retreat location with no more than 10 to 20 participants. The program begins on Monday with a fellowship meeting over dinner and ends Friday after lunch. Attendees participate in personal disclosure sessions, group and individual therapy sessions, educational classes and trauma reduction and team building exercises.
Critical Incident Stress Management and Acute Traumatic Stress Management are comprehensive systematic and multi-component crisis intervention programs. CISD/CISM and ATSM is a set of crisis intervention tools that are strategically woven together to mitigate the impact of a traumatic event; facilitate normal recovery process in normal people, who are having normal reactions to traumatic events; restore individuals, groups and organizations to adaptive function; and to identify people within an organization or agency who would benefit from additional support services or a referral for further evaluation and possibly psychological treatment. This form of Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy, nor is it a substitute for psychotherapy. P S U Crisis Management and Training Group utilizes a combination of the Mitchell Model, the Acute Traumatic Stress Management Model and the Crisis Intervention FBI Model.
Compassion Fatigue refers to a physical, emotional/mental and spiritual fatigue or exhaustion that takes over a person and causes a decline in their ability to experience joy or care for others. It's the "Cost of Caring Too Much" and the Wear and Tear on the First Responder. You’re drained tapped out, have little energy to give to others. Compassion Fatigue and Trauma Reduction / Release Exercise Seminars are designed to help people acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to maximize their efficiency, effectiveness and potential while minimizing stress, burn-out and compassion fatigue.
Addiction knows NO bounds. According to research, one out of four officers working the streets struggle with an alcohol or prescription drug issue. It's estimated that around 30% of police officers self medicate leading to addiction. Assisting law enforcement officers with alcohol or substance abuse issues requires knowledge of their profession, the work environment, stressors unique to law enforcement and the inhibitions they have in asking for help. The P S U - B O L O Program offers officers a safe environment with fellow officers in a group setting or individual coaching in working the 12 - Steps to Recovery.
Officer Needs Assistance....
A Confidential Response 24 / 7
The Police Stress Unit
407 – 497-1465